
Every supplier is different, We have a solution for each of you

Don’t miss any orders, grow your customer base, increase revenue, lower process costs, and reduce costly errors to zero. We remove the hassle, and you keep the passion.

Not a marketplace. No price comparison.


increase in average basket size


more orders processed with your same team


revenue increase with promotions


order mistakes

Trusted by 10.000+ suppliers


One platform for all your needs


increase in revenue

Bren O’Sullivan and Sam Konway
Fin & Flounder
London, UK

"My first experience with the Marketing feature was we had too much red mullet, but I haven't got anyone to sell it to. I took the picture, I sent it out. We'd oversold by about three times."


order mistakes 

Steven Barisford
SJB Foods
Devon, UK

"Choco is there to make your life easier and we haven't had mistakes since using it. Our mistakes ratio just dropped completely."


more orders

Paris, France

"The advantages of Choco Premium are precisely that there is no need for re-entering data, and no time wasted at this level, which allows us to handle a larger volume of orders. Today, with the same number of people, we process a number of orders that is 3 times higher."

Four steps to success

Step 1: Analysis

Every supplier is unique. After a conversation, we provide a proposal and a solution tailored to your needs. Contact us by filling the form below.


Step 2: Integration

Our engineering team takes care of everything to connect Choco to your ERP seamlessly.


Step 3: Training

Our team trains yours. Sales reps and order desks will know everything they need to know to generate more revenue with Choco.


Step 4: Onboarding

Our dedicated team will onboard your clients. Even the least tech-savvy users will love using Choco.


Stay ahead of the digital revolution

Don't get left behind. With Choco, you're not just adopting a tool, you're choosing to lead the industry's digital revolution.

Discover What can Choco do for you



Choco is not a marketplace. Restaurants can order from suppliers with whom they already have a relationship. Likewise, suppliers can onboard restaurants that are already their clients.
Choco offers integration with your ERP, including Quickbooks and 200+ other custom integrations to minimize order processing costs and mistakes.
Choco is free for restaurants. We offer different pricing plans for suppliers based on your needs. If you want to learn more about pricing options visit our supplier page and contact us. Our team will contact you within 24h.